Creating superior experiences to drive unique insights

By Kristen Miles, Data & Marketing expert

October 4, 2021

UX is our mission

At Branded, ensuring the best possible experience for our audience is our mission. We know that an exceptional user experience results in the quality insights our clients need. A comfortable environment makes our audience open and transparent in sharing their true feelings, preferences, and emotions in the studies they take.

Users weigh the costs and benefits of taking surveys

So, how does user experience result in quality data? Why is user experience so important? The social exchange model gives us an important perspective for evaluation. In each and every interaction with us, our users weigh the costs of participating in research with the benefits and rewards they receive.

According to the social exchange model, people weigh the potential benefits and risks associated with social interactions. The social exchange model suggests that we take the benefits of engaging in a relationship and subtract the costs to determine how much a relationship is worth. Positive relationships are those in which the benefits outweigh the costs. Negative relationships occur when the costs are greater than the benefits.

In order to stay engaged while participating in research, our users must feel confident that both their relationship with us and the rewards they receive outweigh any potential negative costs. Our users are devoting time to participating in research that they would otherwise spend on other activities. The experiential benefits of completing studies must be worth it.

Positive experiences respect our audience’s time and dedication

Branded recently polled our users to ask about the sacrifices they would be willing to make in their lives to spend time participating in research. In other words, when do the benefits of participating in research outweigh any opportunity costs?

Our research found that 42 percent of our audience say they often sacrifice time they would typically spend on other activities to devote time to completing studies. Among those who are willing to make sacrifices to participate in research, 39 percent say they sacrifice time with family, 21 percent say they sacrifice time at work, 18 percent say they sacrifice time with friends, 16 percent say they sacrifice time for sports and exercise and 7 percent say they sacrifice time for school. Our audience is only willing to make these sacrifices because of the unique and distinctive experience Branded provides. 

Branded’s commitment to quality user experience respects the dedication our audience shows when participating in research studies. We encourage our clients to keep user experience in mind when designing research as well. The overall study quality determines how well Branded can follow through on fulfilling research projects.