Human-centric research design drives deep engagement

By Kristen Miles, Data & Marketing expert

October 4, 2021

Connect to the Branded Audience

At Branded, we are the bridge between our users who complete studies with us and the researchers who need insights from qualified study participants. As researchers, you are focused on gathering the insights needed to make critical decisions about your products, services and more. But often, researchers do not consider the people responding to studies when designing their research. Ensuring studies are well-designed will ultimately make users eager and motivated to participate and share their insights.

The most vital step in developing well-designed research is deepening your understanding of user motivations. Why is our audience participating in studies? What do they think about the process of completing studies? What pain points do they experience when completing studies? Branded has explored answers to these key questions as part of our extensive user experience research program. We are dedicated to understanding every detail of our users’ experience with us. A quality experience results in quality insights you can trust.

Rewards motivate the Branded Audience 

Our audience is primarily motivated to take studies with Branded to earn rewards - but they also value the  opportunity to voice their opinions. Roughly 62 percent of our users participate in research as a way to earn money for extras, 13 percent of users participate in research as a side gig and 6 percent of users participate in research as a primary source of income.

An additional 9 percent of our audience completes studies with us as a way to fill free time, 7 percent complete studies to voice their opinions and 4 percent complete studies as a way to learn about new products and services. 

When launching a new project, offering an appropriate reward for completion of your studies will ensure that your projects fill quickly and efficiently. About 57 percent of our users told us they are motivated to complete even more studies when they receive an appropriate reward for each study taken. 

Simplify your research for greater success

Keep your study design as simple as possible for successful project fulfillment. Our audience has told us that both long studies and research with invasive questions are significant barriers to completing a study. 

Roughly 21 percent of our audience say they are motivated to complete more studies when study length is short. A new Branded user shared more insight around this sentiment: “Taking surveys is easy. I just don't like when some are really long but I take them because I need the extra money right now.” Design your surveys with this insight in mind and limit study length by asking only the questions that are critical to your research goals. 

The Branded audience has also expressed sensitivity to research questions that ask them to share many personal details. About 46 percent of the Branded audience say they feel sensitive about sharing personal demographic details when participating in research. Users are most sensitive about sharing their household income and details about their health. Branded has already collected over 100 profiling details from our audience that can be provided to help with understanding your research participants.  Make sure to only ask for this type of information when it is absolutely necessary for your research.